DoD Combat Feeding Research and Engineering Program

As the DoD Executive Agent, the Secretary of the Army is responsible for giving full consideration to the R&E needs of the DoD Components, applying appropriate efforts toward meeting those needs/requirements by maintaining an appropriate DoD technology base for military combat rations, nutrition, and field food service equipment and systems research based on the DDR&E approved program for the DoD Components; performing programming and budgeting actions for all combat feeding to maintain the R&E programs based on DDR&E-approved priorities of the DoD Components; programming and budgeting for combat feeding engineering requested by the DoD Components; and executing the approved DoD Combat Feeding Research and Engineering Program, consistent with DoD guidance and availability of congressional appropriations.
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology)
Mr. Samuel Newland,, Mr. Todd Turner,
DoD Directive 3235.02E, “DoD Combat Feeding Research and Engineering Program" (April 6, 2021)
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