Mission Partner Environment
The Secretary of the Air Force is designated as the DoD Executive Agent for the DoD Mission Partner Environment (MPE). The Secretary of the Air Force will conduct a programmatic and technical assessment of the MPE ecosystem, and provide a plan to rationalize and modernize the overall portfolio of information sharing capabilities. The DoD CIO is the Principal Staff Assistant (PSA) for the DoD MPE.
Date Assigned:
Approving Office:
DoD Executive Agent:
Air Force
Principal Staff Assistant (PSA):
DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO)
Secretary of the Air Force Director of Information Management (SAF/AAI)
Executive Agency POC:
Ms. Tracie Owens, SAF/CN, tracie.owens@us.af.mil; OSD PSA POC: Mr. Nicholas Creswell, DoD CIO
Primary Document:
Established in Statute:
Supporting Documents:
(FOUO) DepSecDef Memo: "Assessment of Mission Partner Environment Materiel Capabilities" (May 29, 2018)
DoDD 5101.22E: "DoD Executive Agent (DoD EA) for Mission Partner Environment (MPE)"
DoD Component POC:
Last Updated:
01/31/02025 05:41 PM