Anti-Tamper (AT)

The Secretary of the Air Force fills the DoD Executive Agent for Anti-Tamper (ATEA) role and delegated authority to SAF/AQLE. The ATEA manages and trains DoD acquisition activities and their defense contractors in anti-tamper systems engineering to protect U.S. and coalition war fighters against loss of life or combat effectiveness caused by technology exploitation of U.S. weapon systems. The ATEA performs these duties through policy, training, assessments, evaluations and technology development of AT activities. The ATEA also conducts DoD-wide horizontal protection analysis of DoD Component AT planning documentation and identifies AT-related horizontal protection issues for resolution.
Air Force
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
DoD Executive Agent for Anti-Tamper (SAF/AQLE)
Emily Burkholder, 571-256-0010
DoD Directive 5200.47E: "Anti-Tamper" (Incorporating Change as of Dec 22, 2020)
12/21/02023 06:54 PM