Recovered Chemical Warfare Material (RCWM) Program within the United States

The DoD EA for the RCWM Program in the United States will: (1) Establish guidance, as needed, to implement the RCWM Program within the United States. This includes safeguarding RCWM and munitions and certain materials of interest, pending their assessment and determination of their fill, in accordance with applicable DoD policy, applicable federal and State laws, and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC); (2) Execute the RCWM Program in a cost-effective manner in accordance with applicable DoD policy, applicable federal and State laws, and the CWC; (3) Ensure RCWM Program-related actions are executed in compliance with the CWC and applicable federal and State laws and regulations, to include permitting requirements pertaining to the treatment of RCWM; (4) Approve an annual work plan for the RCWM Program that is developed in coordination with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Sustainment) (ASD(S)), Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) (USD(P&R)), and Military Department environmental program managers and range managers. The RCWM Program annual work plan will provide the basis for determining the funding required to execute the plan and any applicable RCWM Program support functions; (5) Coordinate with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs), ASD(S), USD(P&R), DoD General Counsel, and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer to determine an appropriate funding profile for the RCWM Program support functions; (6) Develop and maintain for the RCWM Program a consolidated and detailed inventory of locations within the United States that are known or suspected to contain Chemical Warfare Material (CWM); (7) Establish a CWM National Inventory Control Point and designates a CWM accountable officer; (8) Maintain the capability to provide RCWM Program support functions where munitions and certain materials of interest have been encountered; (9) Ensure RCWM Program support functions are managed in a manner that meets known Defense Agency and DoD Component support requirements and ensures their availability to support explosives or munitions emergencies. The management of these assets must consider the need to support other requirements (e.g., support of CWM encountered outside the United States), which must be approved by the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) and may require reimbursement; (10) Coordinate RCWM Program-related actions with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in accordance with applicable laws; (11) Support federal, State, tribal, and civil authorities, to include law enforcement agencies, when requested and authorized in accordance with this issuance, DoD Directive 3025.18, and DoD Instruction 3025.21; (12) Upon approval of the Joint Staff, publish request procedures for Combatant Commanders encountering CWM or suspected CWM; and (13) Obtain Joint Staff approval on procedures to receive reimbursement for services rendered to eliminate the threat or counter proliferation of CWM.
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S))
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy, and Environment)
Mr. Bryan M. Frey,; Mr. Kelso Horne,
DoD Directive 5101.17E (Roles and Responsibilities Associated with the Recovery of Chemical Warfare Material), May 11, 2016.
(FOUO) DepSecDef Memo: "Demilitarization of Non-Stockpile Chemical Warfare Munitions, Agents, and By-Products" (Mar 13, 1991)
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