Space Test Program (STP) Management and Funding
As the DoD Executive Agent, the Secretary of the Air Force is responsible for executing this tri-service effort by conducting experimental space missions to test and evaluate new DoD space technologies and gather critical information about the Earth's atmosphere and space. The technologies tested and data obtained enable future US space superiority by advancing technology for future systems.
Date Assigned:
Approving Office:
DoD Executive Agent:
Air Force
Principal Staff Assistant (PSA):
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
Engineering and Prototyping Division (SAF/SQTX)
Executive Agency POC:
Lt Col Ryan Hiserote, (703) 695-3574,
Primary Document:
Established in Statute:
Supporting Documents:
(FOUO) SecDef Memo: "Space Test Program (STP) Management and Funding Policy" (Nov 6, 1995)
(FOUO) DepSecDef Memo: "Space Test Program Management and Funding Policy" (Jul 8, 2002)
(FOUO) AFI 10-1202: "Space Test Program (STP) Management" (November 15, 2010)
(U) Headquarters Air Force Mission Directive 1-17: “Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Space Acquisition and Integration)” (September 30, 2022)
DoD Component POC:
Last Updated:
10/05/02023 04:22 PM