Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP)

As the DoD EA, the Secretary of the Army is responsible for coordinating and integrating RDT&E and acquisition requirements of the Military Departments for DoD chemical and biological warfare defense programs; and reviewing all funding requirements for the CBDP. This DoD EA was made statutory by ยง1701(c)(1) of the FY94 NDAA (PL 103-160) (signed by President Clinton on November 30, 1993) which states "The Secretary of Defense shall designate the Army as executive agent for the Department of Defense to coordinate and integrate research, development, test, and evaluation, and acquisition, requirements of the military departments for chemical and biological warfare defense programs of the Department of Defense."
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S))
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquistion, Logistics, and Technology) and the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8
Ms. Laura Pegher,; Mr. John Parker,; Ms. Lindsey Perkins,
Section 1701(c)(1) of NDAA for FY94
DoD Directive 5160.05E: "Roles and Responsibilities Associated with the CBDP" (Sep 8, 2017)
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