Medical Research for Prevention, Mitigation, and Treatment of Blast Injuries

As the DoD Executive Agent, the Secretary of the Army is responsible for coordinating and managing relevant DoD research efforts and programs related to medical research for the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of blast injuries; shall give full consideration to the Research and Engineering (R&E) needs of the DoD Components and the Director, JIEDDO, addressing those needs/requirements; maintaining a DoD technology base for medical research related to blast injuries and based on the DDR&E approved program for the DoD Components; performing programming and budgeting actions for all blast-injury research to maintain the R&E programs based on DDR&E-approved priorities of the DoD Components; programming and budgeting for blast-injury research based on analysis and prioritization of needs of the DoD Components; executing the approved DoD blast-injury research program consistent with DoD guidance and availability of annual congressional appropriations; providing medical recommendations with regard to blast-injury prevention, mitigation, and treatment standards to be approved by the ASD(HA); coordinate DoD blast-injury-research issues with the staffs of the DDR&E, the ASD(HA), and the Director, JIEDDO; supporting the development, maintenance, and usage of a joint database for collection, analysis, and sharing of information gathered or developed by the DoD Components related to the efficacy of theater personal protective equipment (including body armor, helmets, and eyewear) and vehicular equipment designed to protect against blast injury.
Public Law
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E))
U.S. Army Futures Command
COL Matthew Scherer,; Dr. Raj Gupta,
DoD Instruction 6490.11: "DoD Policy Guidance for Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion in the Deployed Setting" (Sep 18, 2012)
NDAA for FY06 (PL 109-163) ยง 256
DoDD 6025.21E: "Medical Research for Prevention, Mitigation, and Treatment of Blast Injuries"
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