Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Elimination Operations

As the DoD Executive Agent, the Director, DTRA is responsible for the DoD’s International Counterproliferation Program (ICP) mission for: providing training missions and detection equipment to countries to improve the capabilities of border guards, customs officials, law enforcement organizations, investigators and national security executives who determine WMD response on and within their borders; sending interagency teams to the nations of the former Soviet Union and other regions of specific interest to our military commands; and gathering and analyzing information about a country’s weapons status to establish whether or not a nation is in compliance of treaties in place, ensuring the integrity of diplomatic agreements and preserving the safety of the US and its allies around the world.
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P))
STRATCOM Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction (SCC-WMD)
Director, DTRA, Attention: On-Site Inspection and Building Capacity Directorate; (703) 767-7864, dtra.belvoir.pi.list.pi-tbi-all@mail.mil
(FOUO) SecDef Memo: "Designation of Executive Agent for Certain DoD Counterproliferation Programs" (Apr 28, 1997)
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