Printed Circuit Board Technology

As the DoD Executive Agent, the Secretary of the Navy shall be resposible for overseeing the development and maintenance of a printed circuit board and interconnect technology roadmap that ensures DoD has access to the manufacturing capabilities and technical expertise necessary to meet future military requirements regarding such technology.
Public Law
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S))
NSWC Crane Division
Dr. Brett Seidle, (571) 372-6283,
Section 256(a) of the Duncan Hunter NDAA for FY2009 (PL 110-417)
(FOUO) DepSecDef Memo: "Designation of the Secretary of the Navy as the DoD EA for Printed Circuit Board Technology" (Jun 8, 2009)
DoDD 5101.18E, "DoD Executive Agent for Printed Circuit Board and Interconnect Technology"
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