DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services

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DoD Passport and Passport Agent Services
As the DoD Executive Agent, the Secretary of the Army is responsible for exercising program management and oversight of DoD passport and passport agent services. This includes referring any passport matters requiring approval or disapproval by the Secretary of Defense or Deputy Secretary of Defense to those officials through the Performance Improvement Officer and Director of Administration and Management, and representing the DoD on all passport matters governed by DoD 1000.21-R “Passport and Passport Agent Services Regulation” with Department of State (DoS) and other Executive Branch agencies when required; entering into agreements with DoS to ensure DoD compliance with Part 51 of title 22, Code of Federal Regulations and other DoS policy guidance; administering DoD passport and passport agent services and ensure that DoD passport and passport agent services are instituted according to DoS guidelines; serving as the DoD point of contact with DoS on policy matters related to DoD passport and passport agent services to ensure that DoD employees and family members receive U.S. passports to meet official travel requirements; providing DoS the information required on designated DoD passport agents; maintaining the names of individuals who will serve as DoD passport and passport agent services points of contact for the DoD Components; performing an annual review of DoD passport and passport agent services with DoS and the DoD Components; developing, pursuant to DoS policies and guidelines and DoD 4500.54-G “Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide,” a DoD Passport Agent Training Program.
Date Assigned:
Approving Office:
DoD Executive Agent:
Performance Improvement Officer and Director of Administration and Management (PIO/DA&M)
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Mr. James P. Larsen,; Mr. Kenric Echols,
Established in Statute:
Supporting Documents:
There are no supporting documents
Last Updated:
10/31/02024 02:12 PM by Bowman, Marilyn